The mill had been built between 1863 and 1871 and was owned by the Mallalieu Family. It was a woollen mill and was in use until January 2000.
There was the usual enormous chimney, with nature trying to take over.
Round the back of the mill. Note the metal screens boarding up the windows.
I was tempted to climb the ladder . . .
Bit of graffiti . .
Machinery inside the Boiler room . .
Inside the Weaver's shed . . . Just a shell of a building really.
Graffiti inside the Weaver's shed . . .
"I'm not crazy" . . . a sentiment that I had to remind myself while I was photographing the place in the drizzle!
The usual rusty padlock shot . . .
The problem with this location was the fact that directly opposite is a local joinery company, with plenty of workers in and out of the building and looking at us, curiously from the windows. This stopped us from entering the second building, despite there being an inviting open window.
The one building that we did enter was a small empty warehouse . . .

Damp, mouldy walls.
Unopened mail . . .
Butterfly caught in one of the many cobwebs . . .
Pamphlets turned into pulp from all the rain leaking in . . .
Undeterred, we moved on to W.H. Shaw Pallet Works. It looked promising, with a Grade 2 listed building (clock tower) Sadly this was inaccessible and alarmed.
We moved to round the back of the site. Again, next door was in use. The actual palletworks was beyond a yard full of concrete slabs . . .
Having negotiated this rocky landscape and climbed a wall and crawled through several hedges we discovered that this building is far too securely boarded up to gain access!
It was time to call it a day.