It was a bitterly cold, bleak day in Lancashire. We were the only visitors (mad enough!) to be there.
Huncoat Power Station was opened
in 1956.
The Power Station had a fairly short life and closed in
1984. The cooling towers were demolished in 1988 and the main buildings followed suit in 1990 leaving this one building behind.The building is really grotty inside. It's basically just a shell with ever-changing graffiti.
There is an upstairs, with more of the same. There is a good view of the main "room" from up above as well as a view of the bleak Lancashire landscape.
The graffiti was the best part of the building for me. I like the idea that this is ever-changing and a visit a few months later will show completely different graff.
This was my favourite graffiti.
Peeling paint on the walls in vibrant colours.
We had a little wander outside, round the back and I discovered this fab bit of graffiti of Tony the Tiger (of Frosties fame) smiling down at me.
The windows are all open to the elements so there are puddles everywhere.

Somebody had left behind their boot . . .

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