

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

"Bullseye" Cottages

In a quiet village in East Yorkshire stand two cottages, which I shall call "Bullseye" Cottages as there was a dartboard left hanging in one of the cottages. (Remember the T.V. darts quiz show "Bullseye?") I visited with Judderman, who had found these cottages by a stroke of luck some time ago. It was easy to gain access, round the back, although they are on a  main road, so one has to be quick!

The kitchen of the first cottage has coats hanging up, as if they owners have just nipped out for a minute. There was a "New World" cooker from around 1970 and a table but no chairs. 

The light switches and plug sockets were a real blast from the past!

The living room was a mess - debris everywhere!

Looks like there's nothing on T.V. today!

An old push button beige telephone and phone book.

An advert for cleaning services lay discarded among the mess!

On the upstairs landing window sill lay a pile of ancient books.

Many of the windows were broken.

An old brown bottle of medicine, long discarded.

Q.C. Sherry anyone?

In the other cottage, another messy living room, with a lovely 1960s/70s carpet in shades of gold and brown!

Back to the first cottage for another mooch.

We found some old bills dated 1973!

 Newspapers from 1983.

So many cobwebs!

Lastly, we found some bills dated 1969! Always, it is sad to see the remains of someone's life left discarded and abandoned. I wonder why the two cottages were left like this and what will happen to them? Sadly, I didn't get any exterior shots of the cottages, as I had a slight malfunction with my new camera (now rectified!)


  1. Cracking shots m'dear. Definitely miles better than mine. Love these two lil houses.

  2. Thank you & thanks for showing me the cottages!
